I do voice-overs, partly because I’ve overcome a speech impediment ~ I have a slight lisp.

I also do them because I had a flashback recently to my first ever voice-over session as a green creative director in 1985.

We were all at Bert, Barz & Kirby studios in Hollywood right under the 101 doing audio for a Disney TV commercial. The voice-over talent was a bigger than life seasoned pro, Hal Douglas.

I was struck by several things. Hal was very happy and gregarious, he worked for less than one hour, and he was paid a lot of money. Oh, and as evidence of his income, he was driven to and from the studio in a white Rolls Royce Silver Cloud with a properly-attired personal driver. I was in awe. 

I sometimes regret not quitting on the spot, and getting a voice over reel together. Come ot think of it, some of the people I worked with at the time, would have liked me to quit, too.

Hit the contact link in the header and reach out if you wanna help make my voice-over dreams come true. Or not.

(Photo︎ by Rod Flores on Unsplash)

︎Click on one of the three play buttons above,︎ to hear some short samples of my VO work︎ 

︎Some short videos with my voice, below ︎Thanks for listening ︎