There was fun to be had, despite the modest budget, but we had the main ingredient - a great client. Got kind of a beat-nik poetry vibe in the VO talent. And no it’s not me.
Client: Serta Simmons Canada
Product: RestCycle
Client: Laurie Dubrovac
Agency: Mass Minority
CCO: Brett Channer
Director of Art & Content: Gary Holme
Creative Direcrtors: Sarah Gencarelli, Gary Holme
Writer: Sarah Gencarelli, Gary Holme, and Assorted Freelancers
Art Directors: Emma Tanaka, Yi Xiang, Gary Holme
Designer: Yi Xiang
Account Lead: Morgan Turner
Managing Director: Christine McArthur
Production Company: Mass Minority Media Studio
Audio Producer: Tom Thorney
Agency Producers/PMs: Jessica Holloway, Jack Taylor
Illustrators: Shingo Shimizu (Stills, Gifs), Danny Williams
Animation: Danny Williams, Shingo Shimizu
Designers: Emma Tanaka, Yi Xiang, Gary Holme
Developer: Robbie Barnett-Kemper